Online Turkish Slang Dictionary

A website to view and search Turkish slang words and phrases.

Online Turkish Slang Dictionary post cover image

For my second project centering web development and UI design, I decided to create a dictionary for sland phrases and words in Turkish. I created a input for searching and designed components around it.

I used Next.js with Shadcn's UI components. While I set out to transcribe every word and phrase in a book titled "Türkçenin Büyük Argo Sözlüğü," but I soon realised that it is really hard to transcribe from a book that is 25 years old. In any case, I created the site to look really nice, even though the search function probably is the slowest thing you'll ever see.

  • See the website for yourself.
  • The GitHub repo is not public for the time being, but if I return to this project in the future, I definitely want to make it open source so that anyone can both add words and phrases, and improve the website.

Made and written by Mehmet Kutay Bozkurt. All rights reserved.

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