May 19, 2023

Welcome to the Deterministic Blog

An introduction and welcome to this blog (formerly known as the Deterministic Blog) by Kutay Bozkurt.

Hello, and welcome to the Deterministic Blog! I am Mehmet Kutay Bozkurt, in my junior year of high school. I fricking love to code and love to do what I want to do. And this blog is what I want to do in my free time. This blog is going to be a general blog where I post anything related to coding, software development, mathematics, physics, and overall things that I love. I want this blog to be a place where I put my thoughts and ideas, and I want you, the viewer, to learn from and read what I write.

I also love the Nord Theme (duh!) and anything related to it. (Now I love Catppuccin, not Nord Theme.)

If you have anything to say to me, you can contact me through Discord and Twitter, which you can find the information on my website.

Update on 4th of Jun, 2024: Since then, I have migrated my site to Vercel and Next.js and have changed the name of the blog to "Kutay's Blog" to reflect that this is my personal blog. Previously, I wanted to invite my friends to write on the blog but that didn't quite work out, though I still would love another author to write something on here.

Okay, well... I am writing this on 4th of March, 2025, and I am once again changing the blog's name to "The Deterministic." Mostly because I now think that the world and our lives are deterministic. I didn't think that before (even when the blog had that name), but now—after conversing with a couple friends at 3 AM—I think like that. So, welcome to The Deterministic!

Look at my first ever product: Todon3, conquer your tasks.

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