Aug 16, 2024
Catter the Blog
A minimal and responsive blog created with Next.js, MDX, TailwindCSS, and Shadcn's UI components.

I decided to open source my entire blog. I plan to write a blog post detailing why I came to this decision, but for now, you can read, fork, and contribute to my blog through the repository.
This was the website that sparked my love for building and creating, using Next.js as a tool. I created this minimal and responsive blog with Next.js, MDX, TailwindCSS, and Shadcn's UI components. The blog has a custom made comment system, a place where people can write an entry with customisation, and MDX support.
I learned so much by making this blog. This place was a way for me to tinker and try different stuff. While everything wasn't perfect (Xugro... He broke my guestbook system twice), I did my best to fix any breaking bugs and make the website gorgeous. I also hope to improve the website further.
Look at my first ever product: Todon3, conquer your tasks.
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