Posts With Tag: Blog
Catter the Blog
A minimal and responsive blog created with Next.js, MDX, TailwindCSS, and Shadcn's UI components.
I decided to open source my entire blog. I plan to write a blog post detailing why I came to this decision, but for now, you can read, fork, and contribute to my blog through the repository.
What Would Happen If Every Person was the Same?
While it may sound a good thing, there a couple of things that make it a bad idea.
Last week in my philosophy class, we talked about how we are changing every second. For instance, I am not the same person when I started writing this blog, or my friends are not the same when I see them the next day. Then I wondered what would happen if we were all the same and didn't change for the rest of our lives.
Look at my first ever product: Todon3, conquer your tasks.
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