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Trying to Go to College

Kutay's thoughts on going to college or university in the UK and US as an international student.

Hello, again... I thought I wouldn't write another post for a while, well, because I have a couple of things going on in my personal life, one of which is obviously college applications.

On "The Art of Failing" Essay

How does Robert DiYanni's "The Art of Failing" poem expresses the need for failing to improve?

Robert DiYanni’s poem titled “The Art of Failing” uses repetition of expressions to assert the idea of failing in a way that contradicts conventional thoughts, suggesting that failing is actually something one should desire and actively pursue. The poem consists of a total of 19 lines, with three-line stanzas except for the last one.

On "The Art of Failing"

How does Robert DiYanni's "The Art of Failing" poem expresses the need for failing?

I was in my Turkish literature lesson when we learned about the following poem. Do note that we read the Turkish translation of the poem, which I added after the English version.

JavaScript and Asynchronous Functions

Kutay explains an error he observed and discusses asynchronous functions in Javascript.

Hello everyone! In this second post of my blog, I am going to explain an error I stumbled upon last week, how I solved it, and asynchronous functions in Javascript.

Welcome to the Deterministic Blog

An introduction and welcome to this blog (formerly known as the Deterministic Blog) by Kutay Bozkurt.

Hello, and welcome to the Deterministic Blog! I am Mehmet Kutay Bozkurt, in my junior year of high school. I fricking love to code and love to do what I want to do. And this blog is what I want to do in my free time. This blog is going to be a general blog where I post anything related to coding, software development, mathematics, physics, and overall things that I love. I want this blog to be a place where I put my thoughts and ideas, and I want you, the viewer, to learn from and read what I write.

Look at my first ever product: Todon3, conquer your tasks.

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